Amazon – No Profiting on Fear during Corona Pandemic

During the outbreak of Corona Virus ( Covid – 19), a lot of online retailers selling through Amazon and other marketplaces saw it as an opportunity to hike price and make profits on necessary items.
However, the market giant didn’t support this decision of the collective mass trying to make profits on Fear. This decision of Amazon, eBay and alike marketplaces helped many needy people get the product they wanted.
It also helped to contain the price-hike on products which should be available to meet the basic needs. A few of the products which sellers tried to profit from were:
- Face masks / Respirators
- Hand santizers
- Toilet papers
- Other sanitary and health products
According to WSJ, over 100 products reappeared on Amazon even after they were taken down the first time, to which Amazon has stated to deploy stricter tools to prevent it happen again.
We hope you too are practicing ethical selling practices and staying safe during this pandemic.
Wishing you all a healthy financial, physical and mental health!