AI system assisted sales – Have you started yet?

No wonder Amazon marketplace uses AI systems for different purposes on their system. Major credit goes to Amazon’s AI systems for the growth of their eCommerce business. So, the question here is do you understand AI systems? And an even more important question is are you generating sales assisted by AI systems for your business?
Artificially Intelligent systems, the commonly called AI systems can be used for various purposes – autonomous driving cars, spam emails detection, and weather forecast are some of the more commonly known usages. But there is an emerging use of Artificial Intelligence systems in the present business scope. One that can replace the repetitive manual task for promotion or even client acquisition – is AI Chatbot for sales-oriented businesses.
What is an AI Chatbot?
AI is an intelligent nonliving mechanism that helps to perform the designated tasks. For an AI chatbot, the task is to make conversation with human beings. Where there are multiple scopes of implementing an AI chatbot, a few of them for business can be customer acquisition, customer support before and after sales, appointment scheduling, and even grievance handling.
When thinking about chatbots, the main difference between an AI chatbot and a normal chatbot is that:
A Normal Chatbot: Provides answers to the exact questions entered in the system.
An AI Chatbot: Provides answers based on the training model and learns from the customer interactions to update the model.
So, implementing an AI Chatbot is an investment that’ll update itself based on the questions, demands, and interactions of the customers. Whereas, when you implement a Normal Chatbot, the response will not be based on customer interaction but rather on Q & A that you enter into the system.
AI Chatbot for Sales
Where do you stand on your business? Is it growing or not? How much time do you spend online just talking to your customers? And how many times do you have to repeat the same conversation trying to convince your client about the same solution?
A lot of companies even have multiple manpower dedicated to doing the same tasks that an AI-based chatbot can perform fairly well.
Where your FAQ section gives answers to the readers, an AI Chatbot understands the contexts of the conversation and provides appropriate replies. And it does that tirelessly to as many leads as you give to the chatbot. Would you not like that to happen for your business?
Few changes in your business chat system that your customers will enjoy after you implement an AI system-assisted sales chatbot are:
Prompt replies: When multiple leads are in line, they need to wait and more waiting time is a sales killer. AI sales chatbots can prevent that and work towards improving your conversion.
Avoid Errors: Manual chat system assistants can make human errors which AI chatbots do not when providing information to customers and potential leads.
Consistent tonality: The voice and tonality of conversation often depend upon the mood and situation of the person. With an AI-based chatbot, this can be maintained in order to maintain an organizational persona.
Multilingual: It is not necessary that the customers belong to the same nationality and use the same language. So, with an AI chatbot, your customers can get information about your products and services in their native languages.
Feature additions: You can add functionalities for your customers on the AI system like appointment scheduling, taking and tracking orders, and gathering feedback, your customers can feel easy and comfortable getting the products and services from you.
How to get AI system-assisted sales for your business?
When it comes to online business owners, most recall the process of their web development time. The design and development team meetings, decisions, demos, and the budget. Even starting a small to mid-sized eCommerce business could cost somewhere between 1000 – 8000 USD and that is not a small investment. And AI is a revolutionary technology where big brains go in. So, should it be easy to implement?
Luckily, AI has now advanced a lot and though big brains go in, creating a custom AI system is not as much of a hassle as it used to be. Furthermore, there are a lot of AI-based chatbot providers who’ll provide you with a dashboard to customize the conversation patterns yourself. Then you can simply add a few lines of codes to your website to get the AI chatbot to start generating sales for you.
Here is one of the most affordable and easiest ones among the alternatives available in the market.